Erta Ale Volcano
Danakil Depression
The Danakil Depression is the hottest place in the world and it is located in Ethiopia in the region of Afar near the border of Eritrea.
It is the lowest region below the sea level and receives a minimum of 100 millimeters per year. Scientists have also proven that it is one of the most active place where the plates are super active and this leads to the formation of different volcanic features like lakes, fissures and many more others in the ground.
The Danakil also referred to as the gate way to hell is one of the places in the world that has been least studied by researchers due to the scorching sun and heat felt in the depression. It is located in an extremely remote area and this has made it hard for most researchers to access it and due to the high temperatures that are experienced in the area, you will find that it is not hospitable to the human race although there are some people who have braved the heat and settled in the Danakil depression. The best time to visit the Danakil Depression is between the months of November and June and this is because during these months the heat reduces and it is not as hot as other months.
There are a few things that you need to know before you visit the Danakil desert which is considered to be the hottest place on earth and some of these include the following:
Cultural experience
The Omo Valley has several groups of people who are live in the Omo valley and these give it the uniqueness especially when it comes to cultural practices, religion, dress code, rituals and other practices that will make your trip to the valley memorable. Some of the tribes that you will find when you visit the Omo valley include:

Water and food
There is enough food and water that is provided in the Danakil and the water is always bottled due to the fact that tap water in Ethiopia is not safe. And just in case you might not like the food that is being served, you can pack your own dry food so that you do not get hungry and make sure you have plenty of water on you so as to remain hydrated.
The temperature
The temperature in the Danakil can go as high as the 40 degrees high and you should prepare to face the heat as this can go on for more than a week. The only time you will get relief from the heat is when you are in the van because they have A/Cs that help cool you off.
The safety in Danakil
Danakil is extremely safe whether you are travelling in a group, a couple or alone but it is advisable not take children to the Danakil as they might not be able to brave the heat in the area. But even though it is considered safe, you are advised to go with an armed tour guide to rule out any attacks.
There is no proper accommodation near the Danakil Depression and when it comes to sleeping, some mattresses are laid down on a bed which is supported by the ropes tied to the different edges. It is extremely hard for you to sleep because of the numerous animal noise and locals moving around but you at least get to rest your body and the only thing to look forward to after a restless night is the sunrise.
Toilet facilities
It is extremely hard to get good toilet facilities in the area and that is why you need to go to the Danakil after proper preparation. In most cases, you will be forced to use the surrounding bushes as toilets and if you want to bathe you will have to improvise with just a bucket filled with some water or go for some days without a proper bath.
The locals
It is extremely okay to mix with the locals but be very careful not to give any handouts to them because some find this behavior demeaning especially if the handouts are given out to their children.
Trek on Erta Ale Volcano
The Erta Ale Volcano is located in the Danakil Depression and it is believed that it erupted many years ago although at the moment it is dormant. The trek up this dormant volcano is really exciting as you get to see the whole of the Depression area from an elevated point of view and other attractions that are found in the area.
And as you are trekking up the mountain, do not forget to carry a facial mask to avoid inhaling of the volcanic fumes, trekking shoes, appropriate wear and a trained licensed tour guide with a gun who will show you the right trek routes to use while trekking and do not forget to carry a lot of water or else you will be dehydrated and you will also get a clear view of the crater lake that is located at the top of the Erta mountain.
multi colored hot springs
The multi colored hot springs are found in the Dallol area in the depression. The multi colors are a result of the salt minerals in the Crater Lake mixing with the Magma which is got from the lava. This creates a chemical reaction which later brings about different colors to appear in the Lake. Some of the colors that can be seen in the Lake include green, yellow and turquoise which makes the Lake look like it is covered with a rainbow.
Visit the salt mine
The salt mine is located near the Asal Lake and you will find many locals mining the salt in order to earn a living. Visit the salt mine and get too know the different methods that are used by the locals when it comes to mining and as you head to the salt mine, make sure that you have a tour guide with you and carry a facial mask so that you do not inhale a lot of fumes from the mine.
Asale Lake
The Asal Lake is one of the few attraction sites that you will see when you visit the Danakil Depression. The lake is 116 meters below sea level and it is surrounded with numerous rocks that hand around it making it look like it is enclosed. The best time to visit the Lake is either in the morning or in the evening as you get to enjoy the sunrise and sunset which create a unique shadow over the lake making it the perfect place for one to rest.
camel caravan
The camel caravan can be seen heading into the Hamed Ela region led by locals who go while singing and dancing and if you want to kill the day’s stress and mingle with the locals you can join in the camel caravan festival and have fun.